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Engineer, Coder and Open-Source enthusiast

Atmel ICE and OS X no 4

For tinkering with an ATmega32U4 board, (again) I need to get the ATMEL ICE under macOS. Since High Sierra kernel extensions have to be signed and the presented workarounds of earlier posts wouldn’t work anymore. However, there is a signed kext available at the AVRFreaks forums. In my case, I downloaded the file, extracted and moved it. Additionally, I adjusted the owner and access rights. Since these files are system relevant files, you will need to do these operations as super-user.

Setting Hugo frontmatter using Python

Recently I switched the theme of my blog (based on hugo). My new theme is supporting some new features like authors. This feature requires some additional parameters in the front matter of the post. I found a very convenient way using the Python package front matter. The code below changes these parameters automatically. The original script was posted in a StackOverflow answer but doesn’t work for me. So I modified it slightly.

Sublime Text 3 using miniconda

The conda package for Sublime Text 3 in default configuration is prefering Anaconda. Neverless by adjusting some paths, you’ll be able to use miniconda aswell. The source block below was taken for a installation of miniconda (with Python 3.6) x64 on a Windows workstation. The paths might be different on a macOS or Linux machine.
