Linkdump 27/2024
Series - Series
1 Gitlab
1.1 Send testmails
gitlab-rails console
# on rails console:
Notify.test_email('', 'Message Subject', 'Message Body').deliver_now
1.2 Reset you initial root password
gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset[root]"
1.3 Solve Error 500 when (changing application settings)
gitlab-psql -d gitlabhq_production
# on PSQL-Shell
DELETE FROM application_settings;
2 Linux
Linux Terminal key combinations
3 Kubernetes
4 Working with container registries
Get all available container images
curl --insecure -s -X GET -u user:pass https://container-registry:5000/v2/_catalog | jq
"repositories": [
Get al available tag of a container image
curl -s --insecure -X GET -u user:pass https://container-registry:5000/v2/alpine_base_apache/tags/list | jq
"name": "alpine_base_apache",
"tags": [